
The abbasid revolution took place in
The abbasid revolution took place in

the abbasid revolution took place in

Thirdly, apart from involving the southern tribes, the Abbasids were able to influence other tribes and groups against the Umayyads. Their ability to organize large and strong military forces led to the collapse of the Umayyads and the rise of the Abbasid Caliphate. They fought fiercely against their enemies both in Khurasan and in Iraq. Therefore, they opposed both the Umayyads and Mudar. They were supposed to pay taxes and had no rights to land ownership. Very few were appointed to political and military positions. The southern tribes, from where the Abbasid Family belonged, felt largely marginalized and discriminated. The Umayyad rulers made one important error in their rule- they granted numerous privileges to the northern tribes at the expense of the southerners, especially with respect to land rights, exemption from taxation, and political positions.

the abbasid revolution took place in

For instance, the Northern tribes claimed the rights to land ownership, which was greatly opposed by the southern tribes. The northern tribes were in constant disagreement with the southern tribes due to socio-economic disputes. Secondly, tribal divisions were evident was part of the history of the empire. Therefore, this belief motivated the Abbasid Family to organize a military intervention with the belief that they were legally justified to claim the empire. Al-Abbas, their ancestor, was the Prophet’s younger uncle and, by traditions, he would have been the rightful heir of the caliphate. The Abbasid family, therefore, felt disrespected for their non-involvement in the running of the caliphate. First, for a long time, the Abbasid family claimed that they were the legitimate rulers of the Empires by virtue of tracing their origins to the Prophet’s uncle Al-Abbas.

The abbasid revolution took place in